Foggy Notions

-bryan prosser-

"We don't see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright!"

Hello & Welcome.

I’m Bryan Prosser, host and writer here at 

Your Zone of Purpose

How well do you know you? I’m not referring to the awkward work you did while in middle and high school. I remember one of my students many years ago coming up to me in the first week of school and saying, “Mr. Prosser, I suck at math.” I said,

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Are You At A Crossroad?

What stage of life are you in? The First Half, or the Second Half? Only you can know which one it is. The First Half is dominated by experimentation and testing whether you have actually discovered the truest expression of yourself both personally and professionally. At some point, you begin

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Done With Lesser Things?

Aren’t you done with triviality by now? There’s little time to waste on cute memes with shallow phrases. The business we are in is not to be dominated by busy-ness or busybodies. We have opportunities in abundance to do more than turn a profit. We can set the fulcrum where

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A Diamond in the Rough

I began my teaching life working with native Spanish speaking students learning English as a second language. I had a wonderful experience in class one day when Jose came up to me to show me a paper folding project he had done at home. What he showed me not only

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A Replay From Last Year (with a few edits)

“It’s time to stop complaining and start creating.” I wrote that to myself last year, and posted it in FB for accountability. And here it is in my feed this morning. Shazam. Pow. Punch! My world, your world, is saturated with opportunists praying on fear. There are fear-mongers on every

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Which Social (Net) Works Best?

Where do you want to connect? Or where do you actually connect? At the dinner table, in the office, the teacher’s lounge, on the sidelines of a soccer game? Or is it in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn? What is a satisfying social connection these days? Virtual contact is quite

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