Foggy Notions

-bryan prosser-

"We don't see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright!"

Hello & Welcome.

I’m Bryan Prosser, host and writer here at 

Points of Surprise

As the world’s glittery glamour begins to dim, Smaller points of light are seen. Not gleams of neon pixels shamelessly dancing before our eyes, But beams so pure and pretty, They catch us by surprise.

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That Haunting Urge

The entry point for any person to become a writer is unique to every person. Some enter in their youth. Their stories splash on white pages like the work of an amateur watercolorist. Others later in life, compelled by a haunting urge, sitting alone with what seems like an arthritic

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Let’s Create A World Of Good!

It’s a slogan that helps me keep moving forward in the midst of countless setbacks. Whatever good we create is always at risk. It’s not hard to see this. History is loaded with one catastrophe after another. At the same time, it’s filled with some of the most glorious acts

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Of Hibernations and Hugs, and Other Whatnots

Inspired by A.A. Milne Written by Bryan Prosser Pooh stood stoutly before a Great Oak Tree and read a simple sign that said, “Time To Fall Back!” So he did. And he laid there for an Entire Winter, it seemed. And it was. He snored, and he dreamed, and he

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Great Means Small?

Yesterday I read an insightful and important quote from C. S. Lewis in an essay he wrote reviewing The Hobbit. (On Stories, C.S. Lewis, p.135) “And all the time we know the fate of the world depends far more on the small movement than on the great.” This is not

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The Future We Desire

Reading a book is an investment of our time immersed in someone else’s creative experience. Writing a book is an investment of our time immersed in our own creative experience. Reading can feed our desire to create. Writing itself is a creative activity. When we couple our reading with active

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