Foggy Notions

-bryan prosser-

"We don't see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright!"

Hello & Welcome.

I’m Bryan Prosser, host and writer here at 

On Writing Simply

I’m grateful for a comment shared by a connection on LinkedIn last year. She expressed appreciation for writing that was “simple, gracious, and thought-provoking.” By *simple*, I think she may have meant straight-forward without any grandiose pomposity. (I had to google the meaning of pomposity to make sure it meant

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On The Brink Of A New Year

All I know to say is that I’m excited about this year’s prospects. More than I have been for quite sometime. Of course there is plenty for me to worry about, if I choose to. But I don’t choose to. Why? For thousands of reasons I don’t need to list

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A Writer’s Mindset

1. Let curiosity lead you. 2. Give words room to play. 3. Spill lots of ink. 4. Don’t fret the messes. 5. Whistle while you work.

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May Your Days Be Brighter

We have reached the Eve of one of the most emotional holidays of the year. Judging from all I witnessed being purchased at the supermarket yesterday, it appears that many will try to temper those emotions with short term solutions. The songs and carols sung in the background are an

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Stinky Stuff

Everything in life, taken and stirred together, effects our future. Positivity alone will not feed a thriving and sustainable life. Salvaging our negative experiences is part of the whole. There are lessons there. Manure makes good fertilizer. The stinky stuff is as important as the perfume. Use it to grow

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Dragging The Best Forward

2022 is a wrap. What are your learning goals for 2023? Mine are characteristically too many, so I’m trimming them down to those I can commit to with genuine intent. I use questions like these to guide me. – What deep learning did I gain this year that I can

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