Foggy Notions

-bryan prosser-

"We don't see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright!"

Hello & Welcome.

I’m Bryan Prosser, host and writer here at 

The Past My Home, Yet Not Forever

Home is where my memories are. Most of them are here. The rest are scattered over there. My home seems to be, and steadily so, settled well into my past. Yet what happens to my home there when my memories fade? When all goes dark and what I once knew

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The Divine Right of Kings? Not in America.

Without question, in my opinion, the former President of the United States committed several criminal seditious acts by attempting an overthrow of a legitimate national election. Then he incited a riot that lead to violence and death inside and outside our National Capitol, threatening the lives of every Congress person,

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Trail Of Tears

“Jesus wept.” And since he did then and still does now, it means he weeps with you in all your lonely distresses. It means he weeps with every scared shitless soldier in the killing fields of Ukraine. It means he weeps with all the women who have been treated like

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“Do you really mean that?”

In January 2018 I wondered how the heck I ended up in a failure cycle for nearly 25 years. Wondering can be painful. It was then. Of course I wasn’t failing at everything through those years. I kept a career, raised a family, built a marriage. But I did have

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Re-Tired For 60,000 More

Rising incomes and longer lives are the consistent variables showing up around the globe. Generally that is. Not everyone is living longer and getting wealthier, but a larger percentage of the world’s population is experiencing positive growth in life.Here in America, it’s much more likely to live deep into your

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If our sacred life does not produce ambitions and aspirations for this life, then it’s sure to be a sham religion.

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