Frozen with fear?
Every single problem we face today is the building material of a purposeful life. Each pose an opportunity to improve something that needn’t be. The status quo remains only because those with the gifts to change it stay frozen in unjustifiable fear. So let me help melt that fear away. Chose one very small problem […]
Dream Crazy BIG!
Yesterday I texted a friend, “No dream is too crazy. No distance is too far.” Those close to him were asking him why he wanted more. Why dream bigger? Don’t you have enough?, they said. Someone who loves learning, loves to grow. And if you grow, everything about you takes on new shape and proportion. […]
Bothers, And All That.
What’s bothering you today? That question used to capture a lot of my days in the past. I’ve shared quite a few of those bothers on social media through the years. There certainly is a lot to be bothered about. If I begin to list them, this post will get very long. So I won’t. […]
Leaders Lead Lonely Lives
A very peculiar irony is that leaders lead solitary lives. If you are a leader, you know what I mean. That’s right. Leaders are some of the loneliest of people. It’s an irony because from everyone else’s perspective, they are always seen leading others. How could they possibly be feeling lonely in a crowd? It […]
Learning Never Ends
What you formally learned in school will never carry you through the demands of your career and personal life. That includes all your college degrees and professional certifications. Why is that? The answer is complicated. Do you have the ability to answer that yourself with what you learned maybe ten years ago? Twenty-five years ago? […]
Are You At A Crossroad?
What stage of life are you in? The First Half, or the Second Half? Only you can know which one it is. The First Half is dominated by experimentation and testing whether you have actually discovered the truest expression of yourself both personally and professionally. At some point, you begin to question your assumptions and […]
Done With Lesser Things?
Aren’t you done with triviality by now? There’s little time to waste on cute memes with shallow phrases. The business we are in is not to be dominated by busy-ness or busybodies. We have opportunities in abundance to do more than turn a profit. We can set the fulcrum where it needs to be, and […]
On The Brink Of A New Year
All I know to say is that I’m excited about this year’s prospects. More than I have been for quite sometime. Of course there is plenty for me to worry about, if I choose to. But I don’t choose to. Why? For thousands of reasons I don’t need to list for the true optimists out […]
Dragging The Best Forward
2022 is a wrap. What are your learning goals for 2023? Mine are characteristically too many, so I’m trimming them down to those I can commit to with genuine intent. I use questions like these to guide me. – What deep learning did I gain this year that I can drag into the new year […]
Let’s Create A World Of Good!
It’s a slogan that helps me keep moving forward in the midst of countless setbacks. Whatever good we create is always at risk. It’s not hard to see this. History is loaded with one catastrophe after another. At the same time, it’s filled with some of the most glorious acts of kindness and good that […]