Teasing With My Curiosity
What writing does for me. It clears my mind. Sharpens my thinking. And deepens my understanding. It’s how I entertain the foggy notions always teasing with my curiosity.
Practicing in Public
I’ve grown accustomed to experimenting with ideas in public. Those who know me know that is true. To be honest, it grates on my perfectionist tendencies, but it’s been great for my personal growth. “Hi. I’m Bryan, and I’m a recovering perfectionist.” 😎 Year after year as a teacher, even after hours of preparation, I […]
Dream Crazy BIG!
Yesterday I texted a friend, “No dream is too crazy. No distance is too far.” Those close to him were asking him why he wanted more. Why dream bigger? Don’t you have enough?, they said. Someone who loves learning, loves to grow. And if you grow, everything about you takes on new shape and proportion. […]
Build On Your Own Superpower
Five years ago, I decided it was time to exit a work environment that had become obsessed with standardization, expecting similar and increasingly uniform results from a clientele that was wired to express themselves entirely in unique ways. Those two things, sameness and uniqueness, can’t be developed simultaneously. Friction results if you try. This conflict […]
Learning Never Ends
What you formally learned in school will never carry you through the demands of your career and personal life. That includes all your college degrees and professional certifications. Why is that? The answer is complicated. Do you have the ability to answer that yourself with what you learned maybe ten years ago? Twenty-five years ago? […]
Your Zone of Purpose
How well do you know you? I’m not referring to the awkward work you did while in middle and high school. I remember one of my students many years ago coming up to me in the first week of school and saying, “Mr. Prosser, I suck at math.” I said, “Hang in there, you are […]
A Diamond in the Rough
I began my teaching life working with native Spanish speaking students learning English as a second language. I had a wonderful experience in class one day when Jose came up to me to show me a paper folding project he had done at home. What he showed me not only brought sudden surprise to me, […]
Dragging The Best Forward
2022 is a wrap. What are your learning goals for 2023? Mine are characteristically too many, so I’m trimming them down to those I can commit to with genuine intent. I use questions like these to guide me. – What deep learning did I gain this year that I can drag into the new year […]