Frozen with fear?
Every single problem we face today is the building material of a purposeful life. Each pose an opportunity to improve something that needn’t be. The status quo remains only because those with the gifts to change it stay frozen in unjustifiable fear. So let me help melt that fear away. Chose one very small problem […]
In Search Of New Talent
I love originality. It’s a rare find these days. Most people haven’t found their own voice yet, so they sing familiar cover songs that others have already had success with. Adam Grant and Simon Sinek here, Oprah and Michelle Obama there. One repost after another of the same playlist. I appreciate the well known melodies, […]
Build On Your Own Superpower
Five years ago, I decided it was time to exit a work environment that had become obsessed with standardization, expecting similar and increasingly uniform results from a clientele that was wired to express themselves entirely in unique ways. Those two things, sameness and uniqueness, can’t be developed simultaneously. Friction results if you try. This conflict […]
Done With Lesser Things?
Aren’t you done with triviality by now? There’s little time to waste on cute memes with shallow phrases. The business we are in is not to be dominated by busy-ness or busybodies. We have opportunities in abundance to do more than turn a profit. We can set the fulcrum where it needs to be, and […]
A Diamond in the Rough
I began my teaching life working with native Spanish speaking students learning English as a second language. I had a wonderful experience in class one day when Jose came up to me to show me a paper folding project he had done at home. What he showed me not only brought sudden surprise to me, […]
A Writer’s Mindset
1. Let curiosity lead you. 2. Give words room to play. 3. Spill lots of ink. 4. Don’t fret the messes. 5. Whistle while you work.
Artists And Heavenly Delights
Thank you to all the storytellers, poets and singers. Your performance art moves us in ways that the daily staccato of dull public language can’t. Tolkien’s lush tales. Amanda Gorman’s poetic honey. U2’s hymns to something grander. The daily news kills the spirit, yet art carries us to heaven where we can enjoy popcorn, cotton […]
Let’s Create A World Of Good!
It’s a slogan that helps me keep moving forward in the midst of countless setbacks. Whatever good we create is always at risk. It’s not hard to see this. History is loaded with one catastrophe after another. At the same time, it’s filled with some of the most glorious acts of kindness and good that […]
The Future We Desire
Reading a book is an investment of our time immersed in someone else’s creative experience. Writing a book is an investment of our time immersed in our own creative experience. Reading can feed our desire to create. Writing itself is a creative activity. When we couple our reading with active writing, we create. When we […]
It’s Not All That Bad, Is It?
Let’s Get Creative! Cherie Harder, President of the Trinity Forum made that appeal recently. I’m glad she did, and when she did. We will always face danger and real hardships the minute we wake each day. I don’t really think they are much more acute today than they were 20 years ago. Maybe even a […]