Learning Never Ends
What you formally learned in school will never carry you through the demands of your career and personal life. That includes all your college degrees and professional certifications. Why is that? The answer is complicated. Do you have the ability to answer that yourself with what you learned maybe ten years ago? Twenty-five years ago? […]
Toward An Authentic Education
No quote has arrested my attention more in the past four years than this one from Parker J. Palmer. “Authentic teaching and learning requires a live encounter with the unexpected, an element of suspense and surprise, an evocation of that which we did not know until it happened.“ In the course of four decades as […]
What Did They Teach You In School?
I asked a friend yesterday, “Could it be that we have read it wrongly?” Friends of mine, are thoughtful. All of us have poured our souls into learning. It’s serious business for us. My question to my friend related to whether we are humbled by the things we think about. I ask you, “Could it […]