Learning Never Ends
What you formally learned in school will never carry you through the demands of your career and personal life. That includes all your college degrees and professional certifications. Why is that? The answer is complicated. Do you have the ability to answer that yourself with what you learned maybe ten years ago? Twenty-five years ago? […]
A Writer’s Mindset
1. Let curiosity lead you. 2. Give words room to play. 3. Spill lots of ink. 4. Don’t fret the messes. 5. Whistle while you work.
Restorative Time
The joy I have of being an #entrepreneur is having the freedom of #time . The time to think. The time to explore. The time to be silent. The time to create. Time is not all about doing. About being busy. It’s not all about production. Or about maximizing efficiencies. Time has to be #restorative as well. This final quarter of […]