Frozen with fear?
Every single problem we face today is the building material of a purposeful life. Each pose an opportunity to improve something that needn’t be. The status quo remains only because those with the gifts to change it stay frozen in unjustifiable fear. So let me help melt that fear away. Chose one very small problem […]
Dream Crazy BIG!
Yesterday I texted a friend, “No dream is too crazy. No distance is too far.” Those close to him were asking him why he wanted more. Why dream bigger? Don’t you have enough?, they said. Someone who loves learning, loves to grow. And if you grow, everything about you takes on new shape and proportion. […]
Done With Lesser Things?
Aren’t you done with triviality by now? There’s little time to waste on cute memes with shallow phrases. The business we are in is not to be dominated by busy-ness or busybodies. We have opportunities in abundance to do more than turn a profit. We can set the fulcrum where it needs to be, and […]
On The Brink Of A New Year
All I know to say is that I’m excited about this year’s prospects. More than I have been for quite sometime. Of course there is plenty for me to worry about, if I choose to. But I don’t choose to. Why? For thousands of reasons I don’t need to list for the true optimists out […]
The Best Is At The Bottom
The best way to get to the top is to begin at the bottom, and stay there. Anyone who has ever reached the top of their game will tell you that it was the set of values they began with that got them there. So, staying at the bottom means that you never move away […]
Great Means Small?
Yesterday I read an insightful and important quote from C. S. Lewis in an essay he wrote reviewing The Hobbit. (On Stories, C.S. Lewis, p.135) “And all the time we know the fate of the world depends far more on the small movement than on the great.” This is not the first time this year […]
All For One, One For All
Disclaimer: I have always loved innovation and space travel. That is not where my criticism lies. Something has been gnawing at my soul for a long time. IMHO, rugged American Individualism is one of the great curses of our time. I didn’t always think this way. In WW2, it took the collective will of nations […]
From The Ruins
I‘m progressing, and in my mind, I’m growing. As I progress, I’m squeezing all I can learn from my past so I can express my life better in the future. One thing I am progressing from is the utter ruin of white American Evangelicalism. I’ve had a growing discontent with it for years, […]