Frozen with fear?
Every single problem we face today is the building material of a purposeful life. Each pose an opportunity to improve something that needn’t be. The status quo remains only because those with the gifts to change it stay frozen in unjustifiable fear. So let me help melt that fear away. Chose one very small problem […]
A Diamond in the Rough
I began my teaching life working with native Spanish speaking students learning English as a second language. I had a wonderful experience in class one day when Jose came up to me to show me a paper folding project he had done at home. What he showed me not only brought sudden surprise to me, […]
Which Social (Net) Works Best?
Where do you want to connect? Or where do you actually connect? At the dinner table, in the office, the teacher’s lounge, on the sidelines of a soccer game? Or is it in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn? What is a satisfying social connection these days? Virtual contact is quite a phenomenon. There is no […]
Going Public
Sharing in public what was once held private. It is a phrase mostly associated with corporate life and investments. A company privately owned, sells shares in the public marketplace, for instance. But “going public” in today’s cultural environment often is associated with an individual’s decision to make public what was once private concealed concerns. It’s […]
Others Interested?
How interested are we in the interests of others?
How Differences Can Lead To Coherent Community Life
All of us can think of someone different to us. All of us can think of someone similar to us. So the choice each day is to consider whether we will focus on difference or similarities. If we hope to build healthy coherent communities to live in, we have to pay attention to our differences, […]