Teasing With My Curiosity
What writing does for me. It clears my mind. Sharpens my thinking. And deepens my understanding. It’s how I entertain the foggy notions always teasing with my curiosity.
In Search Of New Talent
I love originality. It’s a rare find these days. Most people haven’t found their own voice yet, so they sing familiar cover songs that others have already had success with. Adam Grant and Simon Sinek here, Oprah and Michelle Obama there. One repost after another of the same playlist. I appreciate the well known melodies, […]
On Writing Simply
I’m grateful for a comment shared by a connection on LinkedIn last year. She expressed appreciation for writing that was “simple, gracious, and thought-provoking.” By *simple*, I think she may have meant straight-forward without any grandiose pomposity. (I had to google the meaning of pomposity to make sure it meant what I was thinking.) I […]
A Writer’s Mindset
1. Let curiosity lead you. 2. Give words room to play. 3. Spill lots of ink. 4. Don’t fret the messes. 5. Whistle while you work.