The Best Is At The Bottom
The best way to get to the top is to begin at the bottom, and stay there. Anyone who has ever reached the top of their game will tell you that it was the set of values they began with that got them there. So, staying at the bottom means that you never move away […]
Trail Of Tears
“Jesus wept.” And since he did then and still does now, it means he weeps with you in all your lonely distresses. It means he weeps with every scared shitless soldier in the killing fields of Ukraine. It means he weeps with all the women who have been treated like scum by puffed up pompous […]
What Did They Teach You In School?
I asked a friend yesterday, “Could it be that we have read it wrongly?” Friends of mine, are thoughtful. All of us have poured our souls into learning. It’s serious business for us. My question to my friend related to whether we are humbled by the things we think about. I ask you, “Could it […]