If We Don’t Try

“Failure is not an option!” If you have never watched Apollo 13 by now, you may never. For those who have, failure on that mission meant, if we don’t try, the crew will die. Stranded, wounded in space, the Apollo vehicle was currently incapable of bringing the crew home as planned. The thousands of tested […]

I’m Certain of This

What do we really know for certain? In the grand scheme of things, do you or I really know the deep intent and motivations of each other? Of course not. Why do I say that with so much conviction? Because, I still do not completely know myself. Do I know with certainty what my deep […]

Words and their Tone

“I *love* you.” “I *hate* you!” Each word, used in a particular way, causes very different emotional responses. It does make a difference, and the difference has consequences. Some are unintended, others deliberate. Wisdom moderates both.

What Does It Take To Be A Friend?

Pursue friendship. The kind that takes time. Curious be. Raise questions freely. Listen with your heart. Respond in kind. Then two knit into one.

My Road To Emmaus

I slowly walked the road to Emmaus myself. A long silent battle with disillusionment. Not a helpful friend in sight. Dusty was the road. Abandonment clung like crusted sweat. Then a voice in the blur before me Spoke. My heart was strangely warmed. Eating, listening I understood. His Radiance transformed me. Zest renewed. Retraced steps […]

I Feel It In My Gut

People may not be able to reach a satisfactory intellectual conclusion in regards to truth or falsehood in this Age of Post-Truth chaos, but one thing seems to be clear, They feel it in their gut. When they are wronged, they know it.

Mourning, this morning

Epic days are meant for historians to make meaning from. In the meantime, the rest of us have to experience history in the making. Days like yesterday must be felt before they are understood. This morning, I don’t have much capacity for words. I sit here in a state of mourning, this morning.